Depuis 2020, Monia collabore avec la compagnie Wooshing Machine, collectif d'artistes réuni autour du chorégraphe Mauro Paccagnella.
Since 2020, Monia has collaborated with the Wooshing Machine Company, a group of artists guided by choreographer Mauro Paccagnella.
Prenant appui sur la mise en dialogue et la friction d'univers et pratiques différentes, cette collaboration s'est articulée autour de projets qui mettent en relation des professionnels avec des citoyens et citoyennes dans une ville et un territoire spécifique. Plusieurs projets on été développés en Belgique et en France : Slow Move Morning Training, Adagio per un nuovo millennio, capitolo uno e due.
A travers des pratiques basés sur l'imitation, qui activent une attention sensible, affinent le regard et aiguillent les oreilles, l'outil chorégraphique devient un véhicule pour expérimenter des nouveaux espaces de partage et de relation. S'accorder, devenir choeur tout en respectant la singularité de chacun et chacune.
Since 2020, Monia has collaborated with the Wooshing Machine Company, a group of artists guided by choreographer Mauro Paccagnella.
Building on the dialogue and friction between different worlds and practices, this collaboration has revolved around projects that bring together professionals and citizens in a specific city and territory.
Several projects were developed in Belgium and France: Slow Move Morning Training, Adagio per un nuovo millennio, capitolo uno e due.
Through imitation-based practices that stimulate sensitive attention, hone the eye, and sharpen the ear, the choreographic tool becomes a medium for experimenting with new forms of sharing and relating. The aim is to work together harmoniously, becoming a choir while acknowledging each person’s individuality.

Choreography and direction
Mauro Paccagnella in collaboration with Monia Montali & Alessandro Bernardeschi
Monia Montali, Mauro Paccagnella, Alessandro Bernardeschi and 18 citizens of Charleroi
Original live music
Didier Casamitjana with Matthieu C Vergez
Light design
Simon Stenmans
Outisde look
Alessandro Bernardeschi
Wooshing Machine
Charleroi danse
thanks to
Òmero asbl, Studio Étangs Noirs, Andrea Messana, Lisa Gunstone et Martina Barjacoba
Tour – recreated with the citizens of each city

Choreography and direction
Lisa Gunstone, Monia Montali, Mauro Paccagnella
Monia Montali, Lisa Gunstone, Mauro Paccagnella and 18 citizens from Mons
Sound composition
Didier Casamitjana
Light design
Florian Declercq / Simon Stenmans
Outisde look
Alessandro Bernardeschi
Mars-Mons arts de la scène & Wooshing Machine
thanks to
Fabienne Damiean, Natacha Schrouben, Hélène Vandewalle and the team of Mars.Mons.
Tour – recreated with the citizens of each city

A proposal by
Mauro Paccagnella
Choreography and participation
Monia Montali, Lisa Gunstone & Mauro Paccagnella
Antonio Vivaldi
MARS-Mons arts de la scène et Wooshing Machine